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Bhagirath Prodhan

Bhagirath Prodhan (TLMKO/09/L/487) a 54 years male is one of our patient with clawing of his left hand due to ulnar & median nerve paralysis for more than 2 years.

The immediate effect due these deformities was that of difficulty & inability to carry out his day to day activities like doing household work, holding glass of water, buttoning of shirts etc.

He is a driver by profession and as such he was also having difficulty in his work.

In our hospital, he recently underwent reconstructive surgery for correction of his four finger clawing. Motivated with good outcome the surgery he is very much interested to undergo corrective surgery for his thumb paralysis.


While he was in the hospital for post operative management he would motivate & guide other fellow patients waiting for surgery about how to do exercise & their importance.

He has also applied for reconstructive surgery incentive from the government of West Bengal which will also benefit him financially.

Now he is very confident about his abilities and can perform most of the daily activities by his own.

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